
Last logged in 2024-09-14 16:28:32.


2018-06-30 14:14:16 Co-op on Mazzarin's Demise VI v5 (b) 1301:25:31
2018-06-29 20:54:23 Co-op on Mazzarin's Demise VI v5 (b) 1200:46:47
2018-06-29 19:46:56 Co-op on Mazzarin's Demise VI v5 (b) 1400:44:37
2018-06-29 19:17:37 Co-op on Mazzarin's Demise VI v5 (b) 1200:26:49
2018-06-27 19:53:13 Co-op on Ranged 601:51:44
2018-06-24 21:33:35 Co-op on Mazzarin's Demise VI v5 (b) 600:35:56
2018-06-24 21:24:59 Co-op on Mazzarin's Demise VI v5 (b) 600:08:10
2018-06-24 19:44:33 Co-op on Mazzarin's Demise VI v5 (b) 1101:03:02
2018-06-23 01:18:17 Captures on Hvergelmir - Shadow 1300:14:30
2018-06-23 01:03:04 Territories on |bR|pank and |bD|pefiled |i(zerks) 1400:12:19
2018-06-23 00:47:56 Stampede on The Desert Between Your Ears 1500:12:01
2018-06-23 00:34:34 King of the Map on |bThe Barrens |iVenice X2 1600:10:06
2018-06-23 00:21:17 Flag Rally on Acts of Piety 1500:09:44
2018-06-23 00:04:43 Last Man on the Hill on Trampled Earth - Trow ı.ı 1200:12:30
2018-06-22 23:51:10 Territories on Mjilamania 1400:10:32
2018-06-22 23:37:12 Capture the Flag on |bA Broken Javelin |i(2 team dark)|p 1600:11:03
2018-06-22 23:19:51 Territories on Shuffle off this Mortal Coil (Dark) 1400:12:18
2018-06-22 23:19:30 Territories on Shuffle off this Mortal Coil (Dark) 1500:00:16
2018-06-22 23:01:56 Flag Rally on Keep Across the River (Light) 1600:14:30
2018-06-22 22:49:32 Last Man on the Hill on Barbarian Valley T.E. - Dark 1600:09:22
2018-06-22 22:36:09 Capture the Flag on A Poison Holiday (Light) 2007 T.E. 1600:09:53
2018-06-22 22:30:15 Capture the Flag on A Poison Holiday (Light) 2007 T.E. 1600:03:17
2018-06-22 22:17:05 Last Man on the Hill on Tears of Rhi'ornin (MWC) 1500:09:05
2018-06-22 21:59:59 Territories on Sleepy Hollow TE (Trow) 1400:11:40
2018-06-22 21:58:02 Territories on Sleepy Hollow TE (Trow) 1400:00:30
2018-06-22 21:42:14 Last Man on the Hill on |bThe Barrens |iLight Max 1500:09:42
2018-06-22 21:29:42 Flag Rally on Sticks and Stones (Dark) 1400:09:19
2018-06-22 21:29:14 Flag Rally on Sticks and Stones (Dark) 1400:00:14
2018-06-22 21:14:26 Steal the Bacon on Rock 'em Sock 'em Ghol Riot 1300:06:41
2018-06-22 20:59:41 Last Man on the Hill on Grilling Grounds (light) 1400:12:30